Monday, June 8, 2009


"To be or not to be" at this or that meeting can capture our Private Speaking.

Specifically Networking Meetings.

Meet and Greets.



Initiating Contact.

Maintaining Connections.

The Human Relations Commission couldn't get along.

A Mastermind group wasn't getting mystery or mastery.

A Business Network got no results.

A Trade Organization became habitual.

A Service Club served itself, not the members.

These are all fictional example of taking our Private Speaking into public.

Transitions from inner world into the challenges & connections with the outer world.

When we 'deodorize our 'stinking-thinking' in order to better play with others and realize the goals that surface when we remove the stench and begin to smell the roses our criteria for connecting changes.

How to handle and communicate that change?

Network groups require time, and effort to connect and create the trust necessary to to build successful relationships.

Time is necessary to attain the attitude of 'givers gain'.

How much time?

Its too much time if its' no fun.

Feeling ignored, bored, conflicted, over-used, underused, having to go, going by habit, finding or fighting excuses is no fun even harmful to our Private Speaking.

Its no fun not getting your results.

Say Good Bye. Wish them well.
But do say good bye.
The completion is good for you and good for the group.



Saturday, May 23, 2009

Laugh away the Cynic

What do you do when you lose something?
What if what you lost is part of you?
Hair, hearing, vision, memory, grace, agility????

Not to worry(which is a good thing to lose) but be concerned, be very concerned if it is your SENSE OF HUMOR.
Private Speaking begins to move into the world of Public Speaking when the humor goes.
What replaces ones sense of humor is the cynic.
The curmudgeon.
The nasty man, older beyond his/her years.
Now the cynic's work is to make all the pieces, the identities that live within us, become pitiful, debased, and not let anyone, especially themselves win.
Many of us have seem him in the mirror, but the cynics observation mode is denial.
"I'm glad I'm not like that."
"Not me.!"
I want to answer the cynic with hope, health, happiness, and humor.
But I need to know this guy, because like all of our identities, they demand to survive.
An identity, once created, does not perish.
They hide, show up at inopportune times.
The cynic identity, who believes it is cast out, returns with a vengeance.
It moves from make wrong, into destroy the game.
For years I have understood that those things we do not appreciate, deny the existence of, refuse to experience, haunt us until they get their place in the sun.
Every hidden identity has its day, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,
the answer comes in the form of appreciation.
Appreciation of those cynic's at work. The older relative, friend of a friend, nasty old guy at the hardware store, AND that nasty old guy in the mirror.
"I have met the enemy, and he is me."
Built into our equation as human beings, nothing is ever lost.
Misplaced or forgotten perhaps, but this blog reminds us that our humor is still alive.
We can laugh at ourselves if only we have a TV-yes watching I Love Lucy will set Fred Mertz, and alll cynic's back in his easy chair.
Believing that as lost as I become in my own web of identities, I can HEE HAW my breath right out of the cynic and back into the comedian in us all.
Thanks Lucy.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May I?

May-may (mâ) verb, auxiliary
Past tense might (mìt)
1. To be allowed or permitted to: May I? Yes, you may. To gain pure mission.
2. Used to indicate a certain measure of likelihood or possibility: It may rain this afternoon. I may have jury duty today.
3. Used to express a desire or fervent wish: Long may he live! May I be free from jury duty
4. Used to express contingency, purpose, or result in clauses introduced by that or so that: expressing ideas so that the average person may understand

A word that has some deodorizing effect on stinking thinking

A word that both affirms a possibility and offers an out to the possibility.
May often acts as the creator of a dilemma-As in “I may go to the National Speakers Association meeting on Saturday." In this case the dilemma is my ‘stupidity tax’. My term for missing a registration deadline and then having to pay extra to attend.

For the benefit of Private Speaking, does ‘MAY’ fix or free attention?
In this dilemma I am gathering and weighing information.
What value would I receive from attending?
What is the actual monetary tax?
If I didn’t go what value would I receive or give?
How can I take responsibility for my stupidity, or actually my procrastination to appropriately suffer, so as to change behavior and fend back the disease of tomorrow, get what I want, and skip the misery, self abasement, and guilt of being miserable and fixing attention?

The weather is a factor, if it rains as forecasted, what indoor activities would I do at home? I could go to the gym, find a NIA class, or spring clean inside my office.

It’s only $20, to meet and I will hear what the local chapter of NSA has to offer. I will step into a somewhat unknown experience. Experience newness, connect with other speakers, network, find work, spend money, and commute in the rain.

All this because I MAY.
MAY means the choice is mine.
It is a deodorant to should, ought, have to, must.
A possible antidote to self-blame.
I will not try to go, that is nonsense.
And I can, if I choose go.

What could I do, create, alter or change that would HELP ME through this dilemma?
This is why I love how what MAY I Do, and how it transforms into what I WILL Do?

MAY is not a decision, but is a great assistant to the monster of Private Speaking-I decide.

Friday, April 17, 2009


One of the lessons of Easter, often missed, is forgiveness.

For the Christian world the damage done from not forgiving Pilate, Herod, Judas, the Disciples, the Rabbi's, the Romans, all those who let "our Lord' suffer on the cross became an archetype for hate. The lessons of the past 2 millenniums has been in free that hate. Let go.

"Forgive them Lord for they know not what they are doing."

But the lesson MUST grow. We MUST rid ourselves, each of us of this word.

A lesson is "Teach not the child to hate the peas."

"Teach the child hate is a four letter word more politically incorrect than fuck or shit."

"Teach the child that hate is not opposite of love, but opposite of life."

"Teach how to mankind has sufferred the slings and arrows not of outrageous fortune but of hate."

"Teach the child there is nothing to nothing, and there is nothing to fear."

Ancestral Wisdom
The elder spoke in a voice so light & airy
The child leaned close to hear.
The gentleness seemed as if
An angel spoke,
“Once people knew how to be.”
The child looked at the elder’s shoes
& Rubbed on the old wooden floor,
“Gran, how could people not know how to be?”
The elder stood as tall
as the many years would allow
& chortled while saying
“They knew to be rich or poor,
happy or sad,
mom’s or dad’s,
boy’s or girls,
but not how to be.”
As if learning to dance,
The child shuffled both feet wondering,
“How is it to be?”
Sitting, bending & swooping the child onto a knee
The elder preached in the still small voice of
Childhood’s conscience,
“The only way to be is forgiving.”
With a fidget, & a thought the child said,
“Gran, the church says Jesus forgives you,
& Christians are forgiven.”
In a voice sent only into the child’s ear,
The elder whispered soft so the child would strain to hear
& thus remember for ever,
“It is not forgives, forgiven or forgotten,
it is forgiving.
That is how to be.
Forgiving of me,
Of other,
And especially
Of your self.”
The child kissed the elder on an aged cheek,
“I love you Gran.”

Monday, March 9, 2009


Memories What good are they?
Why remember this and not that?
Where are they when I need them?
How can I organize my memories

What makes some important, and some seemingly get lost?
How can I remember to remember to remember?

Once past the fear of public speaking or often at the core of the fear is forgetting, forgetful, and the forgotten. “I can’t remember what to say.”
There are presenters, who got it down pat. Each presentation is word for word, a repetition of what they said before. Memorizing a speech is not a bad thing, but is not always a good thing either.
We are a wellspring of memories. Psychologist and hypnotist often say we can remember everything that ever happened to us.
Everything? What about when you were….?
Who wants to remember everything? The flood would be insane, and perhaps we protect ourselves somehow from the onslaught.
Is it the memorization or the accessing of the information?
The sorting, and recalling what you want?
Again, the challenge is in remembering to remember to remember.
So how to access those memories already residing somewhere in me?

What about accessing the Akashic records of all knowledge?
Find those records and nothing ever need be memorized again.
What’s the key?

Paying attention when the memory was created. Anchoring it to as many of the senses as possible, realizing memories are not just saved in the mind, but in the body.

For example if you haven’t recited the pledge of allegiance for years, stand, place your right hand over your chest and voila it begins. We can consciously create anchors of what we want to remember.

One way is Digital Remembering. Using the fingers and toes, worked in math, it’s a great tool to use for yourself and impacting your audience to remember. . You have one point, anchored in you index finger, the second on the middle finger, ideas on the ring finger, a thumb to hitch the ideas out with. Many fingers already carry a message. We’re number one, a peace sign, looking for a ride. Go ahead and put new messages there-the Intro, Body and Ending.

Enlisting the sense of smell when learning is a big help.
Increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain improves memory and may be accomplished with aerobic exercises; walking for three hours each week suffices. One study found that eating five small meals a day promotes a healthy memory by preventing dips in blood glucose, the primary energy source for the brain.
As with all skills, desire, belief in yourself and deciding you are going to remember are key. Practice desire without stressing, without excuses, and begin to look, just look, get out of your own way and know it will be found.
Is the memory visual, auditory, kinesics?
A visual memory is often a quick snapshot that can be grown into a larger vista with patience and the same ‘backward flowing motion’ of meditation.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


If you're not Appreciating this moment, What are you doing?
What's more important than this moment?
What are you paying attention to?
Is your attention fixed?

What do you believe about appreciation?
Do you have to earn it?

Are you appreciating what you tell yourself?

Did you inadvertently join the an Appreciation Club and forget to pay the dues?

I hereby Issue
Your Certificate of Appreciation
Granted Today and Everyday
For Being Appreciative, Appreciating, Appreciated
Now & Forever.

How to keep your Appreciation alive?

Use verbs like interesting.

Get interested in something long enough and its possible to appreciate anything and everything.

Can you create curiosity?

It is not liking and certainly not disliking, its a neutral non-response of hmm, wonder how that works or use the dictionary definition:

Appreciate-"To be fully aware of the value, importance, magnitude. To esteem adequately or highly. To be keenly sensible or sensitive to. To show gratitude for. TO increase the value of."

Creating Private Speaking that revolves around Appreciation is a key that unlocks your Treasures of the invisible but obvious higher nature of all humanity, that lives inside each of us.

The Kingdom of Heaven lies withing, and the path is down the Gratitude Trail into the Halls of Appreciation.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Shock of Awakening Ideas

I relish the thought of an awakening idea.

Not just the new or different, but when a new light in the gray matter turns on.

Sometimes it may take a while to share.

It' your light.

Your new vision.

If it was food you'd savor it.
If it was a tool you'd "Stephen Covey it.

If it was a song, it be on the hit parade with a beat you can dance too.

It would be wasabi for the first time.

That dive into the puchbowl on Eagle Creek up the Columbia River Gorge.

Or when you found a like spirit, your soul mate, or opened up to share a secret.

Enough teasers, name me one Awakening Idea-there are a number of me's, identiies inhabiting this body, all of which believe they are in charge. Time to make friends with my me's.
If someone makes a face and says smell this, don't.
The Protestant revolution was about, protest.
It's possible to be happy.
You never look and sound as bad as it seems on video.
Its a delight when people hear what you really have to say.
It is possible to get older and not notice.
I believe I am in the Awakening Idea business, and asking questions is a good route to finding the SHOCK.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Put a Smile in your Dreams

No where is Private Speaking so private as in our dreams.

Our dreams serve multi-purposes, from day dream distractions, imagination stretchers and users, sleeping visions, daily even lifetime motivation.

By defination anything is possible in our dreams.

A transition point in Private Speaking and Public Speaking is how changing our physiology changes our emotional state. An exercise like 'Smiling till your Happy' is a fine example.

Do it now, lower the chin, raise the corners of mouth, brighten and widen your eyes, and BINGO Happy Happens.

What if inducing Mr Morpheus into dreamland we consciously smiled before entering sleep?

How would that influence our dreams?

How would that influence awakening?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Life maybe Suffering, But Misery is Optional

One area of Private Speaking that is useless inner dialogue is misery. Suffering is inevitable but our inner and outer reactions make it so much more miserable.

For the child it may begin with food and the division of the world into like and don't like. That very concept may be the thought forms that put together the world of consciousness, governed by the opposites and rules of Karma.

The concept of fixed immutable laws is challenged on a daily basis by meditators, quantum physic's, and free attention advocates.

A child may create limits and rules from how they were supported based on their food choice.

Is food important? YEA!

There is a huge difference in the child who screams about not eating the oatmeal and the child who suffers through the oats. Think of the difference in physiology, screaming, adrenalin, fixed attention, contortions even possible convulsions all because of likes, dislikes and a poor approach to the food game on behalf of all involved.

As toilet training may affect how a person 'efforts' throughout their life, how the child learns to handle the suffering of foods may affect how the react to the inevitable suffering we all experiencing learning, disciplining and evolve as human beings.

Remember, suffering is real, misery, an option.

My bout with the flu had some very interesting identities emerge to convince me that my pillow or blanket had switches for a drop down menu of storytelling. I was so convinced I got up in a fever, to write down my revelation so I could share this unique apparatus with others. After the third day I realized that as real as it seemed, no story tellers appeared and the button, levers or toggles didn't exist but those fevered identities did exist, probably dormant waiting for the next heat wave to grab my consciousness.

The overall of feeling, and I've run into these before' were an entire city of beings going their separate ways within my being. Schizophrenia, possibly, but not in the least miserable.