What's more important than this moment?
What are you paying attention to?
Is your attention fixed?
What do you believe about appreciation?
Do you have to earn it?
Are you appreciating what you tell yourself?
Did you inadvertently join the an Appreciation Club and forget to pay the dues?
I hereby Issue
Your Certificate of Appreciation
Granted Today and Everyday
For Being Appreciative, Appreciating, Appreciated
Now & Forever.
How to keep your Appreciation alive?
Use verbs like interesting.
Get interested in something long enough and its possible to appreciate anything and everything.
Can you create curiosity?
It is not liking and certainly not disliking, its a neutral non-response of hmm, wonder how that works or use the dictionary definition:
Appreciate-"To be fully aware of the value, importance, magnitude. To esteem adequately or highly. To be keenly sensible or sensitive to. To show gratitude for. TO increase the value of."

Creating Private Speaking that revolves around Appreciation is a key that unlocks your Treasures of the invisible but obvious higher nature of all humanity, that lives inside each of us.
The Kingdom of Heaven lies withing, and the path is down the Gratitude Trail into the Halls of Appreciation.