For the Christian world the damage done from not forgiving Pilate, Herod, Judas, the Disciples, the Rabbi's, the Romans, all those who let "our Lord' suffer on the cross became an archetype for hate. The lessons of the past 2 millenniums has been in free that hate. Let go.

"Forgive them Lord for they know not what they are doing."
But the lesson MUST grow. We MUST rid ourselves, each of us of this word.
A lesson is "Teach not the child to hate the peas."
"Teach the child hate is a four letter word more politically incorrect than fuck or shit."
"Teach the child that hate is not opposite of love, but opposite of life."
"Teach how to mankind has sufferred the slings and arrows not of outrageous fortune but of hate."
"Teach the child there is nothing to nothing, and there is nothing to fear."
Ancestral Wisdom
The elder spoke in a voice so light & airy
The child leaned close to hear.
The gentleness seemed as if
An angel spoke,
“Once people knew how to be.”
The child looked at the elder’s shoes
& Rubbed on the old wooden floor,
“Gran, how could people not know how to be?”
The elder stood as tall
as the many years would allow
& chortled while saying
“They knew to be rich or poor,
happy or sad,
mom’s or dad’s,
boy’s or girls,
but not how to be.”
As if learning to dance,
The child shuffled both feet wondering,
“How is it to be?”
Sitting, bending & swooping the child onto a knee
The elder preached in the still small voice of
Childhood’s conscience,
“The only way to be is forgiving.”
With a fidget, & a thought the child said,
“Gran, the church says Jesus forgives you,
& Christians are forgiven.”
In a voice sent only into the child’s ear,
The elder whispered soft so the child would strain to hear
& thus remember for ever,
“It is not forgives, forgiven or forgotten,
it is forgiving.
That is how to be.
Forgiving of me,
Of other,
And especially
Of your self.”
The child kissed the elder on an aged cheek,
“I love you Gran.”
The elder spoke in a voice so light & airy
The child leaned close to hear.
The gentleness seemed as if
An angel spoke,
“Once people knew how to be.”
The child looked at the elder’s shoes
& Rubbed on the old wooden floor,
“Gran, how could people not know how to be?”
The elder stood as tall
as the many years would allow
& chortled while saying
“They knew to be rich or poor,
happy or sad,
mom’s or dad’s,
boy’s or girls,
but not how to be.”
As if learning to dance,
The child shuffled both feet wondering,
“How is it to be?”
Sitting, bending & swooping the child onto a knee
The elder preached in the still small voice of
Childhood’s conscience,
“The only way to be is forgiving.”
With a fidget, & a thought the child said,
“Gran, the church says Jesus forgives you,
& Christians are forgiven.”
In a voice sent only into the child’s ear,
The elder whispered soft so the child would strain to hear
& thus remember for ever,
“It is not forgives, forgiven or forgotten,
it is forgiving.
That is how to be.
Forgiving of me,
Of other,
And especially
Of your self.”
The child kissed the elder on an aged cheek,
“I love you Gran.”