Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Your Questions in Time.

Snippets of time….with “time being an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.”*

My daily creations of times begins upon awakening and asking myself three questions before I open my eyes. Such as:

How can I make today fun?

How can I add more love to the world?

What can I do to further my goals?

What new questions can I ask myself?

What questions create more happiness?

Do my questions control my thoughts? Key Question!

Did the school system, retreats, seminars, workshops, classes, REALLY try to teach me how to ask questions and not to give answers?

Once out of bed comes the unblocked time of the toilet to tea. Time just passes till I pick up my morning read or meditation, where time stops and insights, wisdom and epiphany blend into quality time.

Then prep time, time to leave, commute time, punch the time clock, busy time, lunch time-where time speeds up or slows depending on lunch choices and service.

Afternoon time can drag into a fight against siesta time till quitting time. Drive time, wind down time, happy hour, dinnertime, some TV time, bedtime, and dream time.

Time out!

Play time. Time for friends, family & buddi’s.

“Time is on my side.’**
“Time is too short for those who wait…***
“Times up, what’s your answer?”

Time may be continuous and carry a beat like a clock, musically or with agreement from the Atomic clock, the stock market or TV, but for me, time is dependent on where my attention goes, or maybe where my judgments, my attitudes or the adverbs(labels like good time, bad time) that I put upon my attention. It’s not a case of not having enough time, but of owning the time I have.

How easy is the step from owning to enjoying? Owning the time frames is a different perspective. Like eating a whole watermelon one piece at a time, building long term happiness a frame at a time.

Am I happy to be alive?

Is there enough happiness in the world?

Are our soldiers happy?

Is my time a generalized version of life or a specific encounter with my feelings?

Which do I prefer?

Which one is a habit?

Which one can I create?

What do I want to create?

Time in!

“It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
Nomstay, Gary
*Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
**The Rolling Stones
***It's A Beautiful Day

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Serve Us, Serve Ice, or Sir Vice

Work is Love Made Visible
What if
mankind had a motto, a mission statement, a tag line, an elevator five second message that would be GIVERS GAIN. Not an original, but an ageless piece of wisdom that has evolved through cultures, countries and religions since man first DECIDED to get along.
What a day it was when mankind agreed to agree, rather than fight for food, comfort sex and or power, getting along grew into cooperation, teamwork, and service.

How did that happen? What caused the change?
One concept of change most agree too is change is painful
and rarely does change occur without pain.
Can you think of a time you made change without pain,
where you can go to create change without pain.

So by using this form of logic,
actually the emotion or sensation of pain mankind became upset, sore, pissed off, angry, irate, MAD as hell and DECIDED not to take it anymore and miraculously moved their attention from their own feelings of pain, lack & inadequacy, onto the feelings of another.
Attention went from ATTENTION IN to ATTENTION OUT.

How is that possible?
Perhaps there was one of them, a leader who served as a model.
Very likely a WOE man, a mother who lead the way.
Woe, meaning to pull in the reins on pain.

Perhaps an alien source, ET, Alf or Mork landed or beamed down.
some religion state a higher force incarnated.
An evolved civilization that may have realized that keeping ones ATTENTION on themselves leads to doubts, uncertainty, confusion, and the fear of being alone in a world that may not have recognized mankind as source of the universe and with a few lessons in ATTENTION were able to teach the evolving earthlings the peace & joy of service.

However, it happened!
Messages from cultures, religions, families and individuals universally professed the new found GOLDEN RULE.
Do Onto Others As You Would Do Onto Yourself.

As with most great answers, a new question arose.

In this model it began from the contradiction itself,
If I can’t control my life, my mind, and if I have headed down the road of inSAMEity, believing that by continuing to do what I have always done new results will occur I will now change and focus my ATTENTION on others.
If we look from the viewpoint of the aliens who initiated this idea, we can see that in order for the GOLDEN RULE to work, I must first know how I want to be treated.
It may have been at this time that Narcissus found his reflection in a peaceful pool of water and self-investigation began.

Who Am I?
Why Am I here?
What’s happening?

So I ask those questions.
That’s my job, my work, what’s been called the MAGNUS OPUS-the Great Work.
But in my PRIVATE SPEAKING inSAMEITY i realized that the more we know and understand each other the greater we are able to serve each other, and the more we become full service. Because full service is not just about other, but as in win win, the winning is concurrent,
you & me win.

So its not serve ice, cooling off with a frozen drink,
serve us as in pay your dues, follow our rule,
Sir Vice one of mankind’s misnomers,
like the often idiot savant Ad Vice,
but service the freedom to put your ATTENTION on someone
something other than yourself and experience the joy & peace of giving the greatest gift, yourself.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sanctifying the Moment

“…to share his part of the secret of heaven: that each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories , but the stories are all one.”*

Time to pick up the talking stick and tell the next part of the tale. It’s the ritual retelling that sanctifies the memory itself.

Ah, the moment of choice, so many stories. So many ways to look at the same event. The answers to:
Who Are You? I am who ever I want to be.
What’s happening? –What I choose to create.
What am I doing here? –Sanctifying this moment.

Now sanctifying, to set apart for sacred use, to purify, consecrate, to make holy, implies that a moment may not be holy, that an effort is needed. Or does it imply that biased or fixed attention is doing the sanctification?

Who am I choosing to be, is what creates the sanctity.

One day, long ago in a far away galaxy (creation) a moment, a process, connections became so real, my being was touched so deeply, that I believe I can make this moment holy, by remembering, reminding, recalling, other Avatar’s with whom I’ve created connection.

I ask over and over, how can I, keep the sanctity alive? The answer is always be present.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Can You Create An Old Identity?

The elder.
In my family it’s me.

I got a lock on the competition,them young whippersnappers will always be that younger.

Last week I ran into age discrimination. The ‘too old’ identity was called attention at a meeting on disability insurance. "Get the insurance now while premiums are low, not like when your Gary's age." It was followed with a Yogi-ism, "Ya know the insurance ya can't afford when you need it."

I felt a slight urge to slip into a Capricornian depression identity, but its my attention, no sense (nonsense) to get my attention fixed on age.

Being the oldster, the old gray haired who’s losing teeth, is a fine identity.

What do I choose to believe about aging?
I’ll explore:
Is Aging what happens when I am not paying attention.
So I contemplate spans of time. A breath, a minute, an hour, day, year, sixty years.

Its only a problem when let my attention fix on being old.

Compared to my house, I am 54 years younger than my house.
I Remember The Shadow of the Tigers Whisker Initiation.
I Remember to use skincare and sunblock.
I Remember some great agers, Sophia Loren. Pablo Casals. George Burns, Cher.
Ah, and the senior discount.
Aging is how things get done.
Aging is free of adjectives, ans, it is.
Intensifying my attention, what is something I haven’t noticed about aging?

Timing is everything, and time is all we really have to play with our attention.
