Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sanctifying the Moment

“…to share his part of the secret of heaven: that each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories , but the stories are all one.”*

Time to pick up the talking stick and tell the next part of the tale. It’s the ritual retelling that sanctifies the memory itself.

Ah, the moment of choice, so many stories. So many ways to look at the same event. The answers to:
Who Are You? I am who ever I want to be.
What’s happening? –What I choose to create.
What am I doing here? –Sanctifying this moment.

Now sanctifying, to set apart for sacred use, to purify, consecrate, to make holy, implies that a moment may not be holy, that an effort is needed. Or does it imply that biased or fixed attention is doing the sanctification?

Who am I choosing to be, is what creates the sanctity.

One day, long ago in a far away galaxy (creation) a moment, a process, connections became so real, my being was touched so deeply, that I believe I can make this moment holy, by remembering, reminding, recalling, other Avatar’s with whom I’ve created connection.

I ask over and over, how can I, keep the sanctity alive? The answer is always be present.

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