Unlike Western medicine, which focuses on our bodies as chemical systems, Chinese Medicine represents our bodies as energy systems.
The energy is either flowing or blocked (stagnate).
Those blocks often caused of negative emotions, including fears, phobias, anger, grief, depression, anxiety, trauma, worry, guilt and other restricting emotions, (limits) contribute to physical problems (dis-ease) and are the result of blocked or fixed energy.
This energy is our Attention and expands or inhibits our private speaking.
"First we make our habits. Then our habits make us" John Dryden 17th century poet-

Instead of using needles you use your fingers to tap on specific energy meridian points while concurrently concentrating on the issues bothering you and repeating a short phrase describing the issue.
This technique will help erase, diminish or neutralize the physical or emotional issue thus Freeing Attention.
EFT gives the freedom to choose who, what and how we want to be.
Free Attention is The Secret!
You can use this technique anytime you feel stuck on an issue, a relationship, a task.
EFT Shortcut tapping method:
1-Pick an issue. A sensitive area, or a stuckness. Something specific you would like to change, or attention you wish to free. It can be physical, emotional or mental. It works great to handle uncertainty, indecision, handling change or dealing with the blaaaaaaaaaahs.
1-Pick an issue. A sensitive area, or a stuckness. Something specific you would like to change, or attention you wish to free. It can be physical, emotional or mental. It works great to handle uncertainty, indecision, handling change or dealing with the blaaaaaaaaaahs.
2-Assess the intensity of the issue. Create a Subjective Units of Distress Scale (SUDS) to rate the intensity from zero (least) to ten, most intense. Pick a number that best represents how you feel about the issue. Write down the number to measure change. SUF+DS creates a benchmark from which to notice changes.
3-Create a reminder, a set-up phrase. This is a short description of the issue or problem, which manifests as fixed attention. It can be any negative emotion, pain or ‘stinkin-thinkin’. It is the ‘what is’ you want to discreate, and then add the affirmation you wish to create.
4-The Tapping spots & sequence: Between the brows EB, side of eyes SE, under eyes UE, under the nose UN, Chin CH, Collar Bone CB, under arms UA, below nipples BN.
5-Say the setup phrase, Even though I am experiencing …(reminder phrase) I deeply and completely accept myself (affirmation). Keep attention on the issue, affirmation & tap the sequence 7-10 times on each of the EFT points.
6-Stop and reassess using the SUDS scale. If the intensity has not diminished you may need to get more specific. If it has not become zero, repeat the steps using the setup Even though I still have some remaining blockage (issue) I deeply and completely accept myself.
7-Keep tapping until you get your desired outcome. You cannot over do EFT.
For more information on EFT or how to free your energies contact: http://www.garycsmith.net/

Namaste Gary
Facebook at Public Speaker Mr. GC Smith
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