Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Avatar Fry Day

7/2/08 Declare your independence.
To avoid my procrastination, obligations, duties, goals, aims, primaries, shoulds, oughts, have to’s, want to’s, didn’t do, will do, can’t do(what can’t I do) and give myself a chance to free up my attention and contact undefined awareness and once again connect with you.
June came in with pain and injury.
Go back to doing your exercise and your Tai Chi.” ‘if only someone would have called me to remind me of the importance of DAILY stretching and Tai Chi. So perhaps others would also like such a service-
Hermes Calling-a phone service to keep one on purpose, or at least to remind as many of my ‘I’s’ as possible what I deem important.
“How’s those exercises going?
Doing all the Tai Chi you need?
How’s your diet?
Did you get back on purpose with AVATAR FRIDAY?
Did you call your sister?
Any secondaries come up?
Any new primaries?
Did you write any poems?
How’s the Checking Inn file?
Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, professionally, re-CREATIONALLY anything you want to add, subtract or enhance?”
A five minute call, charged on your credit card with parameters to keep it from therapy or coaching, just REMEMBERING TO REMEMBER TO REMEMBER. Reminder calls for $5 fee.

Fryday is the Fourth of July, even in England. If I am independent I am Source. I choose, I decide, I do it-the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

‘From a very special moment
From a very special place.’
“Perhaps, you like I, having once embarked upon an adventure of self-exploration, now find yourself afloat on an enormous ocean of emotion clinging to nothing more than a tiny craft of self concern (importance) and can now understand that an expanding awareness floats upon the incredulous brainwaves toward the shores of a beautiful place, where there are many others who share the principal of higher self and wish to flourish in the ambition to live love and oneness.
“So we have come together once again…to remember our independence, our sorcery, and use this day and all dazes as viewpoints to honor ourselves and all of Precious Humanity in coming a long, long way to get there together.
All the Bodhisattva’s awaken again as fireworks ignite the joy within to see and feel the awakening of an Enlightened Planetary Civilization.

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