Does anyone care what I am thinking?
Are my thoughts really private?
My mother liked to tell me she knew everything I did. She may have, but she never knew all that I thought.
There were times in 1970 when my group of Truth Seekers programmed ourselves with the help of Timothy Leary’s book, The Psychedelic Book of the Dead and we had experiences of reading others minds.
Altered consciousness yes, but it worked.
Part of Tim’s program was taken from The Tibetan Book of the Dead, and the phrase shinning black void, referred to the attention of the mind. It was a visualization on the shinning black void, at the moment of death that allowed the monks in the Bardo experience to begin reprogramming the being for rebirth. The being emptied the mind and the chants and mantra’s were installed or initiated before, during and after the death process.
Either my mind was so quick as to grasp the subtleties of an other, or the mind was so slow and open that the void was filled by the nearest being, or the desire to know the inner thoughts was primary enough to create the connection.
I have had non altered stated experiences of being in a group where the game was to get present, in your body, agenda free, and go stand where another person had stood and experience what is there. The residual musings of someone else. Amazing experience.
Tony Robbins talks about this in Unlimited Power.
Parlor game or useful tool?
The effort required to attain the shinning black void, is worthwhile to charge ones batteries, clear the air, open the tube, and listen for the message. But the illusion may be that any of us have private speaking. That all we think conjure, wish and desire is in the airwaves for all to receive.

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