It ain't what happens its how I react.
Public Speaking versus Private Speaking
With that as a premise let me add mis-takes, as in errors and omissions and on the 'set' miscues.
My inner dialogue is Private Speaking.
Does it differ drastically, or just a lttle from my Public Speaking?
My Private Speaking is much harsher.
I think this is a corollary of my blog 'If I weren't me I'd envy me.'
I remember a thought from Ken Kesey in The 1971 Last Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog, it was the Tools from my Chest issue, about how its 'All good shit, what's the use of censoring it.' 

I got out my pulped paged edition, originally sold for $1, now being offered for $450, talk about inflation or value. Yes Value, and I value these words from Neal

Well ain't that something to think upon, a genuine Avatar from On the Road, wiring a message of no-sense in trapping that Private Speaking.
Well that don't work for me.
I can use an editor on occasions, and do. It ain't what happens its how I broadcast that upgrades my Public Speaking.
How much of my Private Speaking is someone else's, mom & dad, media, "I wanna be-wish-I was-that's what they all say' Private Speaking.
I am going to act, take a mis-take if needed. Hope for correction without invalidation and stay at source and keep my mouth shut if i haven't got something nice to say unless i be the purveyor of Tuff Love. I appreciate Tuff Love whenever it's deliver with love.
And as Mr. Natural on the cover of The Last Whole Earth Catalog says, "He who shits in the road will meet flies on his return,."
Its always been hip to pay attention.
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