I relish the thought of an awakening idea.
Not just the new or different, but when a new light in the gray matter turns on.
Sometimes it may take a while to share.
It' your light.
Your new vision.
If it was food you'd savor it.

If it was a song, it be on the hit parade with a beat you can dance too.
It would be wasabi for the first time.
That dive into the puchbowl on Eagle Creek up the Columbia River Gorge.

Or when you found a like spirit, your soul mate, or opened up to share a secret.

Enough teasers, name me one Awakening Idea-there are a number of me's, identiies inhabiting this body, all of which believe they are in charge. Time to make friends with my me's.
If someone makes a face and says smell this, don't.
The Protestant revolution was about, protest.
It's possible to be happy.
You never look and sound as bad as it seems on video.
Its a delight when people hear what you really have to say.
It is possible to get older and not notice.

I believe I am in the Awakening Idea business, and asking questions is a good route to finding the SHOCK.

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