Friday, December 26, 2008

Are you Listening to YOU?

There maybe days ahead where the only words of praise and possibilities came from your Private Speaking.

Have you found the Answer?

There it was given again. The Answer is never the Answer, only the QUESTion contains the answer.

Self Knowledge.

Inner work

Handling issues.

Your Inner Content.

Taking the time, money and mirrors to see which way your light shines, and where YOU look away.

The WAY is mapped by your words to yourself.

Toss out the Censor and just listen!

Listening to Private Speaker gives you a head up toward Public Speaker, the one we want to Hear.

How can I Use this?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How Private are Your Thoughts?

Does anyone else know what I am thinking?
Does anyone care what I am thinking?
Are my thoughts really private?
My mother liked to tell me she knew everything I did. She may have, but she never knew all that I thought.
There were times in 1970 when my group of Truth Seekers programmed ourselves with the help of Timothy Leary’s book, The Psychedelic Book of the Dead and we had experiences of reading others minds.
Altered consciousness yes, but it worked.

Part of Tim’s program was taken from The Tibetan Book of the Dead, and the phrase shinning black void, referred to the attention of the mind. It was a visualization on the shinning black void, at the moment of death that allowed the monks in the Bardo experience to begin reprogramming the being for rebirth. The being emptied the mind and the chants and mantra’s were installed or initiated before, during and after the death process.

Either my mind was so quick as to grasp the subtleties of an other, or the mind was so slow and open that the void was filled by the nearest being, or the desire to know the inner thoughts was primary enough to create the connection.
I have had non altered stated experiences of being in a group where the game was to get present, in your body, agenda free, and go stand where another person had stood and experience what is there. The residual musings of someone else. Amazing experience.
Tony Robbins talks about this in Unlimited Power.
Parlor game or useful tool?

The effort required to attain the shinning black void, is worthwhile to charge ones batteries, clear the air, open the tube, and listen for the message. But the illusion may be that any of us have private speaking. That all we think conjure, wish and desire is in the airwaves for all to receive.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Love from The Last Supplement from the Whole Earth Catalog

Great Grandpa Thomas Crapper

It ain't what happens its how I react.
Public Speaking versus Private Speaking
With that as a premise let me add mis-takes, as in errors and omissions and on the 'set' miscues.
My inner dialogue is Private Speaking.
Does it differ drastically, or just a lttle from my Public Speaking?
My Private Speaking is much harsher.
I think this is a corollary of my blog 'If I weren't me I'd envy me.'
I remember a thought from Ken Kesey in The 1971 Last Supplement to the Whole Earth Catalog, it was the Tools from my Chest issue, about how its 'All good shit, what's the use of censoring it.'
I got out my pulped paged edition, originally sold for $1, now being offered for $450, talk about inflation or value. Yes Value, and I value these words from Neal
...just keep on truckin...No need to edit. Nothing is nothing to lose so it's never kept back. Who needs a snaky little editor got his nails gnawed to the quick, checking the commode. It's all good shit whatso'meveraint't it? and if it ain't how else you gonna get it out to work on it?

Well ain't that something to think upon, a genuine Avatar from On the Road, wiring a message of no-sense in trapping that Private Speaking.
Well that don't work for me.
I can use an editor on occasions, and do. It ain't what happens its how I broadcast that upgrades my Public Speaking.
How much of my Private Speaking is someone else's, mom & dad, media, "I wanna be-wish-I was-that's what they all say' Private Speaking.

I am going to act, take a mis-take if needed. Hope for correction without invalidation and stay at source and keep my mouth shut if i haven't got something nice to say unless i be the purveyor of Tuff Love. I appreciate Tuff Love whenever it's deliver with love.

And as Mr. Natural on the cover of The Last Whole Earth Catalog says, "He who shits in the road will meet flies on his return,."

Its always been hip to pay attention.

Friday, October 31, 2008

What Scares You?

Happy Halloween

What’s scary?

Halloween has become another celebration turned seasonal marketing plan?

How to take it back?

What part of pumpkins, goblins, candy corn and putting on a costume profanes the point of all saints eve?

What do I want to believe about Halloween?

Is it begging treats and playing pranks?

What makes something hallowed?

Dictionary-Hallowed: -verb, transitive
To make or set apart as holy.
To respect or honor greatly; revere.”

Is it about being scared?

What Scares you?

What do I believe that makes the bogeyman real?

Where and how can Freddy or Chucky or the Wicked Witch get me?

How many ways can I look at this holy day, now a season of sales?

Ancient Wisdom reveres the hallowed evening as a celebration and acknowledgment of the dead.

Aha, a space of seeing beyond the physical, and recognizing spirit. A day to recognize our fears of death.

It can be a day of recognition that we are all beings. Behind the mask of Freddie, the Princesses make-up, the bearded hippies, the Dr, or Fireman is the truth that I am all identities.

I am as, how, when and where I chose to be.

The joy can be in the belief that I can be it all.
My expression of myself is only limited to my imagination or fears.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Making an Ass Out of You and Me

There are ASS umptions

and there are Useful ASSumptions

To create the world the way we want it is a Useful Assumptions.

A New Points of View is a Useful ASSumption

Where we place our attention is what we get out of life.

All we ever have is what we are aware of.

Duh, this is a doctrine of SOURCE.

Useful Assumption-you are SOURCE of your experience.

Private Speaking is about how your inner dialogue controls you and how you can control your inner dialogue and create your desired outcome.


Private Speaking is the sum total of your beliefs and internal processes which creates your model of the world.

A world of your meaning, experiences, emotions, perceptions that guide your actions.

If you change your model of the world you will alter your experiences and behavior.

Private speaking is designed to change your model of the world-key word model.

The world does not change, your perception, your reactions change as your model changes.

It is a matter of freeing attention from stone statutes into malleable clay of flexibility, feedback and choices.

What we tell ourselves is beyond powerful, it is what we create.

Useful ASSumption-I remember.
Useful ASSumption-I use my mind.
Useful ASSumption-I live my life with certainty.
Useful ASSumption-I have free attention.
Useful ASSumption-The world works for everyone.
Useful ASSumption-Change is possible.
Useful ASSumption-I am Source.

Namaste Gary

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Ran Out of Elbow Grease

It took me a long time to believe in Elbow Grease.

My mother initiated me in the idea, and gave me a great number of opportunities to use my Elbow Grease. “Put some Elbow Grease in it,” she said encouraging harder work.

I think I fully grasped the value of the E.G. from sport, shagging fly balls, hustling, entering all the track events.

Later as someone said, ‘Do trips are better than don’t trips’.

"With little or no doubt, Saying yes!

Taking risks.

I extended participation, the verb, into partying, a way of being with Elbow Grease.

Elbow Grease had me follow through, got me warmed me up, and made the extra effort.

So now as I found myself painting the neighbors walls, and my elbow began to ache, I recognized it was from lack of Elbow Grease. The effort was there, but the invisible, now so obvious lubricant, that allows long-term elbow over exertion, was gone.

Where did it go?

Is it age?

Did I diminish my supply? ‘Guess I just used up all my elbow grease.’

Where went the elasticity?

Did I pop a seal?

Do I need an oil change, tune-up, overhaul?

What’s the lesson here?

What is Elbow Grease?

What paths of opportunity does Elbow Grease open?

Where can I get some more?

Is E.G. helpful or impeding belief?

E.G. was an indoctrinated belief, I can still hear mom’s voice of encouragement.

Elbow Grease is mom’s effort.

But I also modeled E.G. Like using it to shift into a higher faster gear-

‘Being able to leap tall buildings in a single bound….’

Working to make, Kahlil Gibran’s quote real, “Work as love made visible.”

So E.G is about effort. What do I want to learn about effort?

Ah, is it time to learn/find a new kind of effort?

Since I am out of E.G. should I learn a lesser Zen-type effort?

Perhaps it was a the moment the Elbow Grease ran out and the efforting, the trying, teeth gritted, fist clinched, mouth held just the right way, breath holding, EFFORT, let go, and as some New Ager’s intone LET GOD.

As I worked on the Sleep to Dream book, with dreamland as my laboratory, result required a brand of E.G. to awaken and write out the results of the experiments.
On 10/2/03 I awoke with a start (interesting verb that started a process I am encapsulating) it was 1:23am and that moment I felt a key to unlock the mystery of how to become more real.

Then an epiphany.

My desire to know the wordage, the process, of how a number code could be so meaningful in becoming real for others.

I was as easy as the digital clock said, 1,2,3.

When I aligned my primary affirmation to be real and present for others, I AM.

Likewise, I could align to my self-important show-off or un-align to my higher self and I become separate, as in: “Birds of the land and sea. I am not a bird as you are. A high ambition moves me, and to satisfy it I am separate from other creatures.” From the Sufi tale, Conference of the Birds.

Reminds me of lines that date to my childhood.

Remember "One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go."

Well here’s a passage from Charles Johnson’s book, Middle Passage, Madam Marie Toulouse, a Creole who had spent her young womanhood as the mistress of first a banker, then a famous actor, a minister, and finally a mortician was asked. "Why these four?" Madame Toulouse replied to her questioner, "Why dear it was one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go,”….

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Big Space & The Small Space

From a Dream

It was a Big Space, a large room with many people.

I was just one of the folks when I spoke,
“Let’s all find our space.”
Not an authoritative voice, an ‘everyman’s’ voice, soft, reassuring, in tune with the group voice.

“Spread out,” came the voice, and it was me speaking, confident, caring feeling the room.

It was a big room, and I was leading us to realize this room was inside us. Inside everyone was a big room like this. Big enough for everyone we know, and don’t know.

We were cooperating in sharing this space. And as big as the space was, and that we were aware of the size, we also had our small space. We were expanded, and we could contract, shrink into our small space.

I became the guide to:
“Find the small space It is like a curl, the nook round the corner that’s cozy and comfortable. We all have a curl, a pube that acts as a metaphor to the small space.”

The space may only be big enough for one, or it may have room for a couple of others.

“Imagine it.

“It’s safe. You belong here. It’s your space. Like sitting under the snowball tree as a child. Or hiding in the corner of the closet, under the basement stairs.”

What’s important is the spaces are always here.
Always inside me.
Always a private space.

I can move from the small space to the big space. There is lots of room to stretch out. And the big space is safe too; you belong here, or there.

The spaces are always open.

I shared how I saw the spaces, How we all have the spaces, and in this magic moment we communicated to each other.
It was showing & telling.
We all got up from our naps AND I BEGAN TO SING:
“You put your left foot in. You put your left foot out. You put your left foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
That’s what its all about.”

Close your eyes,
find your spaces,
it’s your rooms.
feel the freedom of the rooms within.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can you see your childhood bedroom?

Private speaking is also private viewing.
It's your own Cinema.

Not all Inner Cinemas are technicolor, wide screen, dolby sound, or full length, but they consist of you as possible, actor, director and audience.

It is your inner vision board.

Take a moment to see your childhood room. The walls, the floor, the ceiling.
Wheres the light switch?
Which side of the bed did you get in on?
Where's the closet?
What's on the wall?

This inner voyage can reap huge rewards in building the ability to visualize.

Some say , "I don't see visions?"
Being visionary is a learned process.
Practice by noticing what you've seen before.

Visions, memory, thinking are all learned experiences.
In our private world, paying attention to details, asking "what's there?"
Take a good look, a quick look, a faded look, a glimpse, it will build your world.

It's your mind, create it how you wish.

In my world, I bow to the light within you , just because you are you.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Hallucinogenic Training


In 1970 I took a 400 level Psychology class at Portland State University entitled Hallucinogenic Training. I became the star of the class. It wasn’t about drugs, but a creative visualization class developed by a former military clinical Psychologist. He developed a process to improve the accuracy of bombardiers in WWII. His technique was very successful.

During the period from the WWII to present 1970 he researched, refined and developed new usages for his techniques. He needed a volunteer for his demonstrations. I was glad to volunteer as his ‘guinea pig,’
“With little or no doubt I said yes.”*
This was a class in hypnosis. Dr. Warren Wilcox had developed a relaxation technique using breathing, physical sensation and colors and images to create the feel & mental picture of your desired outcome.
It was goal-oriented meditation.

The technique recognized phosphene imagery that occurs during & after initiation of full body relaxation by imaging breathing into body parts. Your inner guide/initiator (sometimes policeman) would lead you, working from toes to head.
In this state, with closed eyes, focusing basically on the breathing, relaxation sensation, and the imagery-amoebic looking blobs that appeared to me as black evolving into purple, then the guide added the message in the form of an affirmation of a goal or state you wished to create.
This was a milestone for me to reference internal dialogue, visualization, and the process of de-hypnotizing myself.
*quote attributed to George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

Monday, September 1, 2008

Healthy Communication

It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
Are you nicer to others than to yourself?
Are you in your best company when alone?

What is Healthy Private Speaking?

Henry Ford is quoted as saying," Whether you believe you can or can't, you're right."

Private Speaking is about our inner dialogue. The non-stop voices of beliefs, and disbelief's. Of truth and nonsense.
Of inane chatter, reruns, if only', sorry's, wishes, control, hopes, revenge, day dreams, old lovers, lost friends, goals, gains, got too, musts, should, ought, its so easy to stop and just listen to the commentators.
Don't believe everything 'it' says.
Healthy communication is about recognizing those voices, the advisers, counsellors, creators of well wishes, highest values, Truth Sayers, the compassionate forgivers and patient purveyors of attention and appreciation.
Healthy communication is a self-rewarding loop of positive feedback.
Healthy communication is an affirmation of goals wishes and desires.
Healthy communication is agenda free, memorable and fun to share.
Cultivate your healthy communication by being aware of what you are telling yourself. Here is one of my favorite exercises:
How do I know what I am saying till I see what i am writing:
  1. Start with 10 words you value
  2. Then make those words into ten sentences.
  3. Then make those ten sentences into ten paragraphs
  4. Then divide the paragraphs into INTRO-BODY-CLOSING
  6. Put a title on your work.
  7. Read it for seven days in a row, without a commentator
  8. Alter or change any 'ill-willed', uncertain, doubtful, vengeful communication.
  9. Reread for another seven day without a commentator.
  10. Post a blog. The world needs Healthy Communicationers

To find ways of silencing the commentator, contact Gary C Smith Public Speaking and Training.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Your Questions in Time.

Snippets of time….with “time being an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.”*

My daily creations of times begins upon awakening and asking myself three questions before I open my eyes. Such as:

How can I make today fun?

How can I add more love to the world?

What can I do to further my goals?

What new questions can I ask myself?

What questions create more happiness?

Do my questions control my thoughts? Key Question!

Did the school system, retreats, seminars, workshops, classes, REALLY try to teach me how to ask questions and not to give answers?

Once out of bed comes the unblocked time of the toilet to tea. Time just passes till I pick up my morning read or meditation, where time stops and insights, wisdom and epiphany blend into quality time.

Then prep time, time to leave, commute time, punch the time clock, busy time, lunch time-where time speeds up or slows depending on lunch choices and service.

Afternoon time can drag into a fight against siesta time till quitting time. Drive time, wind down time, happy hour, dinnertime, some TV time, bedtime, and dream time.

Time out!

Play time. Time for friends, family & buddi’s.

“Time is on my side.’**
“Time is too short for those who wait…***
“Times up, what’s your answer?”

Time may be continuous and carry a beat like a clock, musically or with agreement from the Atomic clock, the stock market or TV, but for me, time is dependent on where my attention goes, or maybe where my judgments, my attitudes or the adverbs(labels like good time, bad time) that I put upon my attention. It’s not a case of not having enough time, but of owning the time I have.

How easy is the step from owning to enjoying? Owning the time frames is a different perspective. Like eating a whole watermelon one piece at a time, building long term happiness a frame at a time.

Am I happy to be alive?

Is there enough happiness in the world?

Are our soldiers happy?

Is my time a generalized version of life or a specific encounter with my feelings?

Which do I prefer?

Which one is a habit?

Which one can I create?

What do I want to create?

Time in!

“It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
Nomstay, Gary
*Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
**The Rolling Stones
***It's A Beautiful Day

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Serve Us, Serve Ice, or Sir Vice

Work is Love Made Visible
What if
mankind had a motto, a mission statement, a tag line, an elevator five second message that would be GIVERS GAIN. Not an original, but an ageless piece of wisdom that has evolved through cultures, countries and religions since man first DECIDED to get along.
What a day it was when mankind agreed to agree, rather than fight for food, comfort sex and or power, getting along grew into cooperation, teamwork, and service.

How did that happen? What caused the change?
One concept of change most agree too is change is painful
and rarely does change occur without pain.
Can you think of a time you made change without pain,
where you can go to create change without pain.

So by using this form of logic,
actually the emotion or sensation of pain mankind became upset, sore, pissed off, angry, irate, MAD as hell and DECIDED not to take it anymore and miraculously moved their attention from their own feelings of pain, lack & inadequacy, onto the feelings of another.
Attention went from ATTENTION IN to ATTENTION OUT.

How is that possible?
Perhaps there was one of them, a leader who served as a model.
Very likely a WOE man, a mother who lead the way.
Woe, meaning to pull in the reins on pain.

Perhaps an alien source, ET, Alf or Mork landed or beamed down.
some religion state a higher force incarnated.
An evolved civilization that may have realized that keeping ones ATTENTION on themselves leads to doubts, uncertainty, confusion, and the fear of being alone in a world that may not have recognized mankind as source of the universe and with a few lessons in ATTENTION were able to teach the evolving earthlings the peace & joy of service.

However, it happened!
Messages from cultures, religions, families and individuals universally professed the new found GOLDEN RULE.
Do Onto Others As You Would Do Onto Yourself.

As with most great answers, a new question arose.

In this model it began from the contradiction itself,
If I can’t control my life, my mind, and if I have headed down the road of inSAMEity, believing that by continuing to do what I have always done new results will occur I will now change and focus my ATTENTION on others.
If we look from the viewpoint of the aliens who initiated this idea, we can see that in order for the GOLDEN RULE to work, I must first know how I want to be treated.
It may have been at this time that Narcissus found his reflection in a peaceful pool of water and self-investigation began.

Who Am I?
Why Am I here?
What’s happening?

So I ask those questions.
That’s my job, my work, what’s been called the MAGNUS OPUS-the Great Work.
But in my PRIVATE SPEAKING inSAMEITY i realized that the more we know and understand each other the greater we are able to serve each other, and the more we become full service. Because full service is not just about other, but as in win win, the winning is concurrent,
you & me win.

So its not serve ice, cooling off with a frozen drink,
serve us as in pay your dues, follow our rule,
Sir Vice one of mankind’s misnomers,
like the often idiot savant Ad Vice,
but service the freedom to put your ATTENTION on someone
something other than yourself and experience the joy & peace of giving the greatest gift, yourself.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sanctifying the Moment

“…to share his part of the secret of heaven: that each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories , but the stories are all one.”*

Time to pick up the talking stick and tell the next part of the tale. It’s the ritual retelling that sanctifies the memory itself.

Ah, the moment of choice, so many stories. So many ways to look at the same event. The answers to:
Who Are You? I am who ever I want to be.
What’s happening? –What I choose to create.
What am I doing here? –Sanctifying this moment.

Now sanctifying, to set apart for sacred use, to purify, consecrate, to make holy, implies that a moment may not be holy, that an effort is needed. Or does it imply that biased or fixed attention is doing the sanctification?

Who am I choosing to be, is what creates the sanctity.

One day, long ago in a far away galaxy (creation) a moment, a process, connections became so real, my being was touched so deeply, that I believe I can make this moment holy, by remembering, reminding, recalling, other Avatar’s with whom I’ve created connection.

I ask over and over, how can I, keep the sanctity alive? The answer is always be present.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Can You Create An Old Identity?

The elder.
In my family it’s me.

I got a lock on the competition,them young whippersnappers will always be that younger.

Last week I ran into age discrimination. The ‘too old’ identity was called attention at a meeting on disability insurance. "Get the insurance now while premiums are low, not like when your Gary's age." It was followed with a Yogi-ism, "Ya know the insurance ya can't afford when you need it."

I felt a slight urge to slip into a Capricornian depression identity, but its my attention, no sense (nonsense) to get my attention fixed on age.

Being the oldster, the old gray haired who’s losing teeth, is a fine identity.

What do I choose to believe about aging?
I’ll explore:
Is Aging what happens when I am not paying attention.
So I contemplate spans of time. A breath, a minute, an hour, day, year, sixty years.

Its only a problem when let my attention fix on being old.

Compared to my house, I am 54 years younger than my house.
I Remember The Shadow of the Tigers Whisker Initiation.
I Remember to use skincare and sunblock.
I Remember some great agers, Sophia Loren. Pablo Casals. George Burns, Cher.
Ah, and the senior discount.
Aging is how things get done.
Aging is free of adjectives, ans, it is.
Intensifying my attention, what is something I haven’t noticed about aging?

Timing is everything, and time is all we really have to play with our attention.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Questioner


I believe I can create my own deliberate identity.
Why? Why not?
Here is a story from my mom that created an identity.
“In the beginning was the word,” and most of them came from my mom. One of my earliest memories is of finding a Bible.
We lived in a 24’ trailer. I was three of four years old. Mom was pregnant with a child she would miscarry. Our trailer was parked next to the Grand Rhonde River in a trailer park in LaGrande, Oregon. Mom was very protective of her blonde haired, blue-eyed baby boy. This was spring of 1951. I wandered about fifty feet from the trailer, away from the raging river, and found a box of stuff another caravanning occupant abandoned. Looking through the box I found a small red book. It was just my size. I was curious. I took it back to mom and wanted to know what it was.
“This is a very important book. Don’t ever set anything on it. It’s a Bible and contains the story of God and how he created the world.” She said.

I realized the immensity and importance of these statements. This was not about instilling ‘river I’, ‘being quiet’, ‘eat your vegetables’ or ‘potty time.’ My attention was peaked.

“When you grow you are going to read these stories. You will read about God and how he created the world and the first people, Adam and Eve. How they had two boys Cain and Abel and how they found two girls and married.”

It was here that mom paused, and with very soft eyes through her glasses she created an imprint.

“Where did those girls come from?”

So here was an identity that wondered. A permanent door, or at least a window opened into areas of my being and stayed ajar.

Today I am evaluating how I recreated the questioner, and what happened?

Gary C. Smith Public Speaking & Trainings: Helping to sort your identities to know WHO YOU ARE.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Dear Buddi, July 24, 2005
“Inch by inch life a cinch, yard by yard its hard.” Said the Snail.
Ah I repeat myself, but if is good, do it again. I journey back three years and find….
The gradient approach to life. How do you eat a whole watermelon, the magic instructors once asked?
The epiphanies, kismets, revelations, original thoughts, and direct experiences occasionally revealed in my discipline of Avatar Fry Day appear hidden. The discipline required in telling a story of value to you my precious reader is especially challenging this week. I ponder have I evolved past doubt, staying out of the ruts of sameness and honor the wisdom of my teachers? Am I asking myself good questions? Am I ‘Slip sliding away’ as Paul Simon sings.
It is not the one lucky strike; it is the ability to string many lucky strikes that make a great bowler. How does the continuity of my day-to-day opportunities keep my creative spirit alive to share in this AFD? This AFD becomes a daily log, blog?
“Monday , Monday so good to me…can’t trust that day…sometimes it just works out that way.” Mamas and Papas did the singing, but I hear what I want, and make up my own words & meaning. Getting ready for Monday’s excites me, I love the preparation. I loved getting ready for school. School was the friends, the wisdom in books, teachers or in the work and words of a schoolmate. I take my schoolboy enthusiasm into life. ‘It is my attitude of appropriate fun, rapport, information, and compassion that keeps me on purpose and in demand to realtors, brokers and affiliates. I am an asset to whomever I contact!’ That’s my credo for work.
Tuesday was & still is Realtor Marketing meeting. My last week brochures went nowhere, so this week I went back to adding pictures. My original brochures had Jimmy Stewart photo, from the film Mr. Smith goes to Washington, the story of a down home senator who took on the bureaucrats. Filibustering to stop injustice and get his message across.
“Why is he on the flyers? Who is he anyway?” realtors asked. I thought the message was clear, I, another Mr. Smith, have an idea whose time has come. Do your diligence; disclose the truth, become accountable, a new idea to make-work easier and risk free liability.
Next brochure I went with Arnold, the Gubernator. Get fit, and stay toned with our Home Owners Document review. It was a early pose in speedos.
I loved it when someone asked, “Is that you?”
I’d never be caught in shorts like that. The flyer did create interest.
On Thursday, while making a presentation to a ‘condo specialist’, she asked if I had any marketing literature. She was looking at the review binder, excited about our service, as I dug thru my flyers and showed her Arnold's photo. She was aghast, insulted, and distraught, in shock at the lack of professionalism. Got her attention! Oops, wrong attention. But marketing a new product first they have to know you and the product exist. She now knows we exist. I didn’t tell her the flyer was for realtors and not the public, or that the hidden intent was that the Gubernator wanted HOA’s get into the fitness’s mode. Oh well.
Tuesday afternoon I got a call from a broker saying he has an HOA Review interest. I have an appointment for Wednesday morning. I create a threefold intention,, 1-I want to get to know them. 2-For them to know our service. 3-For them to get to know and remember me, so I tell my story of my Great Granddad Thomas, the Royal Plumber to Queen Victoria and King Edward. It was he who invented the toilet, the Crapper. It’s an exercise to see all the places that you can use the word crap in a sentence with reference to your buddi, great grandson Gary. I always get a laugh. Toliet humor is still very popular so I started putting a picture of great granddad Thomas Crapper on the flyer.
I can see me in his portrait, the facial hair, and the whimsical look of making money while on the crapper. I get a call from the broker saying do the HOA review..
Wednesday is coaching night with Practical Resources, David & George my new mentors into the Real Estate world, want me to fly to LA Monday to help with their seminars. I’m in motion again. I begin to feel like Jello, an ambivalent glop of goop contained in an unknown mold. I shudder and shake while looking at homes for sale, contemplate two other brokers interests, prep for the classes next week to the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals and to an HOA with parking problems.
I stayed grounded this week with fitness classes each day, BBQ’s each evening and ‘nothing’ time to absorb the events. Maybe I’m more Popsicle than Jello, the 111-degree heat adding to the melting.
Friday, It's been a great week to extend an AFD, feel my way looking for ‘right view.’ I read Harry Palmer, “It means that you don’t impose your own beliefs upon things….Right view means you see things as they are, and when you see things as they are, the nature of things begin to make sense.”
What makes sense to me is road trip, or boat trip. The Carquienz straits out our window have the sea foam cutting across the water, the fog has lifted and I’m going to take the ferry to SF to solidify my intent about WHAT’S NEXT.
I’m early at the Vallejo ferry building humming ”Sitting on the dock of the wasting time…” “If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let's all get wasted together and have the time of our lives,” written on Armand's Plaza, Washington , DC. I pull out my rugged writing pad, and write. The air feels lighter, the breeze ruffles the flags, the smell is clean like a mountain stream, not fishy diesel. Two hundred yards across the inlet is an aircraft carrier being disembodied by Star Wars like cranes. There is an old paddle wheeler waiting its turn. On the road behind me are parked two 1947 Packard convertible limos. Shiny chrome and cream, a champagne bucket waiting to cruise up to Napa. It feels like Fred Astaire singing “Heaven, I’m in heaven, and I can hardly stand a moment…”. I meet the limo drivers, sit on the pleated Naugahyde and file this under things to do. I’ve added a chauffeured road trip to Napa as a compelling future.
It’s time to queue up for the 55-minute trip to the renovated San Francisco Ferry Building. My spongy Jello character has been transformed by the adventure into the explorer. My view of time has shifted, the shape and sizes of ships and objects become clearer almost psychedelic in the sharpness. I have a gestalt of forms countering the separation of all things into this is that, and that is this. Its my call, my day to just let it be. I am not lost, nor skipping over the surface of the water like the orange balloon that landed on the water being blown upstream. Everywhere I look is something I haven’t noticed before.
I practice my smile. Smiling at guys while ferrying to SF might bring up a judgment of being ‘gay.’ I create a version of the Compassion Exercise where I put my attention on a person and imagine what I was like at that age, or with that attitude-the Asian woman smoker doing a crossword, the three year old racing around the cabin, the embarrassed teenager huddled with peers, the one who looks like my mom traveling with her mom my nana, the old guy with hat and shirt endorsing Mercury boats. “Just like me, this person is learning about life.”
I am getting high, maybe one of those promised flashbacks as I head to the City to visit the ghost of Ken Kesey and his band of Merry Pranksters. Professor Mark at U of Oregon has resurrected the Prankster bus Furrther to take the acid test., which I passed with A’s, and tutored many an initiate.
"The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer-- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer." Ken Kesey.
I return to pen and pad and use some Creativism to script my SF trip. I want to meet some people, stand out in the open air while we are cruising. Raleen and I once saw a whale on this cruise so seeing one is scripted in. I want to see children being kind to each other, feel the rush of sailboats passing, a view of Emperor Norton’s new bay bridge, lots of shade, and a large dose of the unexpected, coupled with laughter, and a nice lunch. I’ll walk to SBC ballpark.
The Ferry building has been transformed into an agora of farmers markets and restaurants. Hundreds buying peaches, tomatoes, & breads. I taste the sweetest wheat grass juice. Walking down the Embarcadero I spy a strange movement a block ahead. It looks like camels asses.(Ah another version of PigLips, a pattern interrupt and transderivational search) I speed up to catch the parade or a march of some kind. The camels are rattan coolie caps, worn by men and women in black robes. They are led by a blind Asian man with a seeing eye dog, and a Buddhist monk beating a drum. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap tap. The hats have written in felt pen upon the top “The Full Circle to Trinity.”
“What’s happening I ask a video cameramen with his sound guy. “I’m doing a documentary on the blind guy. He’s from Hiroshima. They are walking to Trinity, New Mexico, site of the first atomic bomb, 1,600 miles. We just started at the Ferry building."
Well I never thought of scripting this, but I join. I even check to see if I have my AMEX card so I can go all the way. I’m flooded with images of growing up “Put your hands on your head, your head between your legs, and kiss your ass good bye." From the early 1950’s till the Berlin Wall fell I expected the world to be nuked. No sense planning heavily on the future, might as well retire now. Be Here Now became an epiphany of the NEW CLEAR AGE, because there wasn’t going to be a then.
At SBC park we all stop, only 1599 miles to go, and everyone gets bottled water, and some check their ‘cells’ for messages. Pictures are taken. A prayer and chant begin under the bronze statue of Willie Mays. Without my AMEX card I choose to Mecca around the ballpark. The green grass of the IN-field was my first hope of salvation in this life. There was no meaning to life till I made meaning as a six year old with the other players, the bats, the ball, gloves, uniforms, a team, the game. Winning, being a good sport, playing fair, hustling, were my lessons before the magicians, sages and avatars ever appeared. Lessons in paying attention, eye on the ball, joining with others for a common (often uncommon) goal.
So the ballpark is a full circle, a loop that can be entered at any time. Being inside a creation, experiencing self and others from compassion and new and different ways of looking at life. This week I again proved to myself that I do keep the magic alive.
Namaste, Gary

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Freeing my Attention

Let’s explore attention. Maybe we find a link to our being, even pure Beingness.
Taking a gradient approach to learning, it’s important to share the material.
With attention on empowering the audience I first had to free my own attention. Handle my own fixed attention on:
I am not prepared.
Who do I think I am?
They won’t show up.
They’ll forget the book.
They’ll hate me.
This is just like school and they hate school.
This is Boring.
They don’t care.
They’re uninterested.
They are going to resist.
I don’t have to do this.
This is weird.
I can’t pay enough attention to do the exercise.
I wish I was somewhere, anywhere else.
I can’t pay attention THIS time of the month. These hot flashes.
What’s this all about?
And then the audience PARTICIPATED! Life's a party when you participate.
The class emphasis was on how to improve consulting skills with clients with free attention. How working on attention opens channels to understanding and creativity.
“This class opened my mind to new ideas.”
We laughed a lot. We saw how we tag our attention with beliefs and emotions, which is not the same as being present.
“Wow, paying attention is really an investment in my future.” said one in the front.
“I am going home and look at my house through ‘baby eyes.” said the tall guy.
"I am my attention." said the woman behind the blond.
"Paying attention, free attention is better than Prozac." said the guy in the corner.
"We are all attention junkets" said the lady realtor.
"It'as shocking how much attention we can really have if we really, really want it ." Me

Life's a gradient approach, "Inch by Inch life's a cinch. Yard by yard its very hard." Sign in a Chinese restaurant in St. Johns, Oregon.

Monday, July 21, 2008

“Everything great must have its story.”
--Found on a tin of Velamints.

In olden days when a storyteller comes to the end of her tale, she places the palm of her hand on the ground and says,
‘I put my story here so that someone else may take it up another day.”

What’s your story?

Stories can change your world. Make it better. Add wisdom. Provide meaning and stir up emotions and insight that you will rely upon and treasure forever.
Stories change minds, deliver messages, uncover the wrong or find the right and make life more memorable. And it’s those memories of stories that keep us all going…”
All of us have stories. Stories of times when we made a difference. Stories as unique as person telling the story. But like so many skills & art forms it takes a coach to bring out the best.
We are losing our ability to tell stories. Much of our history is being re-written, spun to an agenda. Generations have lost the ability to pass on wisdom, know how, kindness & compassion.
The oldest generation experienced life in ways never to be seen or heard again. Each individual was part of the power of that NOW.
You have a message. You have meaning to that message that needs to be passed on, not passed over. It is an important time to formulate your message and deliver that message in writing, but more importantly by word of mouth. To break the media cycle of human less communication and use the SPOKEN WORD to preserve and share your wisdom, hopes & fears, doubts & triumphs, and most importantly your unique POINTS OF VIEW. Speaking to groups, family or friends they need to hear as much as you need to speak your voice. We are not just aging; we have aged to being an elder, with a message, and its time to speak up.
Having reached the magical age of 60, I am is coaching those who wish to share their message. I deal with the fear of public speaking, assist with providing and editing content, connect with the 93% of communication beyond words, and shares the fun and meaning of your message.

What's your story?
Namaste Gary

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Explorer or searcher?

It feels marvelous to step a wave of the renaissance of our lives. We live in such mobile magical times of muses, museums, and music from all over the planet. Mystic words connecting the esoteric past toward an enlightened future. The joys of being present in appreciation with enthusiastic explorers.
As with 'this & that' there is a difference feeling between “exploring” and “searching.”
When young I explored new places and had new experiences. I decided where to go and how to proceed. It was an adventure, the thrill in discovering new places and seeing new things. But something strange happened. I discovered that my cub scout knife is Lost! Was it left behind or what? You search your memory, then your pockets (George Carlin searches in the frozen avocado dip for his lost keys-they just might have fallen in the freezer)You go back over the same terrain, retracing your steps, but now you are in the mental state of the searcher. You look here & there, your desperation brings you to the edge of tears. Perhaps you offer a prayer or two. (Dear Lord I’ll do anything...and then the begging and bribing if you just lead me to my missing…)
Your lost. Life is no longer an adventure. The thrill and excitement are suppressed by the anguish you feel. There is a filter over your eyes that turn everything into a disappointment. New experiences and potential opportunities present themselves, but they are not what you are looking for.
Even if you succeed in finding the item, the trauma of having lost it may persist. If it does, you stop exploring or searching and begin protecting. Until a person recovers the PLAYFULNESS OF EXPLORING, most of their deliberate actions will be motivated by a desire to find, to protect or to avoid something. We have become to motivated by fear.
Are we expolring or just searching, you decide.

For years I have worked toward having direct experiences and original thought(s). The concepts fed each other, or led to each other. They were not quite as rare as a unicorn.
Occasionally I’d have an original thought and voila’, I have a direct experience (DE). Or I free attention and have a direct experience, and an original thought (OT) pops.
Perhaps I am being over simple, I am Gary Smith, one of the thousands of Gary Smiths’ inhabiting the US of A, a simple soul, seeming cloned to consume in the media mainstream of the matrix, bred to do what has always been done. Nice likable guy, pretending to blah, blah.
“Gary, Gary not a bit contrary,” my eighth grade teacher wrote in my junior high yearbook. I didn’t know what contrary meant, so I got a dictionary; figured he felt I was ordinary, not different. I was like everyone else. I had wanted to be like everyone else, but that was boring, so I grew some hair, painted my tennis shoes purple and became a rebel seeking a cause.
I did a lot of seeking, some looking and much later, my seeking evolved inot exploring, and I defined my new treasures as Direct Experience and Original Thought.
DE has no cliché police or spin doctors commentating. DE can’t be a habit, or memory, or rerun ‘been there done that.’ It’s not pretending. If I experience without judging, categorizing, condoning, intoning, but DIRECTLY feel, see, sense, smell, hear, this moment, then its mine, I can create from here.
Presence becomes a present.
OT is more than ‘another way to look at a thing’, exaggeration, or plagiarism, but an epiphany, insight or breaking the bubble of ‘same old same old' (soso)It’s inspiring.
It inspired me to the Original Thought and Direct Experience new dance tune, with a great beat. You can waltz, tango or slow dance with a partner, or find a new buddi, or solo.
I have found the need to balance a rhythm in me.
How does my rhythm keep feeding DE and create OT?
My aerobic stepping class keeps me into the rhythm of direct experience. I play the balancer where the magic extra moment in each second, each musical beat, becomes infinity in which to practice and perform in the timeless moment of dance. This class is also a Checking Back Inn. Step class is a great place to work on attention.
The landscaping and gardening of our Crockett Lovenest keep me feeling the rhythm of nature. Weeding, fertilizing, watering as metaphor and care for(s) of the rhythm adding emotion too the physical. It’s caring for my animal and the planet. It keeps me in touch with others, creates results, and the sharing and caring of “work being love made visible.” The beauty and transformation form rhythms of change and a dance that counterpoints the contrary. I must think, decide, act, and spend much time listening.
My life does play to the muse of happiness. Playing with the arts, nourishing the mind and the body.

Our peach tree
feeds the two large bucks
who rule our street at 3 am,
leaving peach pits as reminders
of Stag Nation.

Playing peaches picker, pie producer, pitching peach pits, preaching peach poems, practicing prose, with a dollop of French vanilla ice cream, are a Direct Experience of bliss.
Writing Avatar Fry Days blogs keep me inspired by inspiring others. How else can Gary, Gary not be ordinary?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

National Convience Store Day

July 11 or 7/11 National Convience Store Day
The Meaning of Meaning?
A day dedicated to respecting the ease of 24 hour shopping.
A beer, soda, water, laundry soap at 3 am, a Slurpee, Abu from the Simpson’s.
An end to Ma&Pa stores, or their savior?
Convenient, an object of joy.
Convience a verb of effortlessness.

Certainly not Alice Restaurant, because you can’t get anything you want,
but you can get an apple, an orange, banana, a packet of Energy vitamins,
the News, briquettes, baggies, huggies, a man with a gun, the aroma of coffee,
cigarettes by the millions.

Amid rotating hot dogs emanating the aura of service indifference.
I am reminded of Gods’ last words to mankind, written in mile high letters,
“Sorry for the Inconvience.”
-A message from one of my bibles,
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, which gave such gems of wisdom as
“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.”
“The importance of knowing where one’s towel is.”
“See first, think later.”
And the Guides entry about Earth,
“Mostly harmless.”

My pondering of Life, the Universe, and Everything
leads to the real assets of humanity, our will and our attention.
How convenient to have tools of power, enlivenment, stimulation, pleasure,
awakening the miracle of being alive 24/7.
Namaste Gary

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rewrite from July 9, 2004
I am working on the way I get complete with time.
Searching for answers, being the one sitting up front with a hand up, an identity of ‘knowing-it-all.’ Out to please the teacher, till the epiphany that asking good questions leads to more fertile ground than any answers ever did.
What answer ever opened more than one door?
A good questions leads into the magic of the unknown.
People open up when asked, “Tell me about your hair, yourself, your life, your dreams.”
Who wants to listen to a know-it-all?
So this week’s homework was to write essays on the following questions:
How do you make a difference?
How do you get what I want?
How do you let go?
· Who do you trust? What part of you?
· Who is responsible?
What is your question?
I took on the exercise, I answered the question on one side of a sheet of paper, explaining my answers were not the RIGHT answers, only my answers, and to anyone who would listen to have fun finding their answers on the other side.
Someone wondered about YOU, the consitent reference to you , so I rewrote the questions. It was like the difference between ‘This and That’-exercise 19 ReSurfacing.
· How do I make a difference?
· How do I get what I want?
· How do I let go?
· Who do I trust? What part of me?
· Who is responsible?
· What is my question?
Now that felt much better.
I once wrote a poem that said ‘words that will set me free.’ But those bold charged words listed below send me to a prison of separation and limitations. I want them out of my interactive vocabulary. I want freedom from words that fix my attention. Here’s some examples of the culprits:
· Oh, its you.
· You should ‘stop anything and everything you are doing right this very moment, and register for the next course.
· I’m trying.
· I worry about the money.
· I hate it when I’m told what I ought to do.
· Whatever, I’ll start tomorrow.
Bold words that shackle creativity. Bold words that bind transparent beliefs.
(From ReSurfacing- “A belief is transparent when you are operating through the belief without noticing it. Transparent beliefs are seldom helpful and, in fact, can be fatally debilitating. Most are self-sabotaging, adopted in a moment when you were something less than rational.
“The first impression you have of a transparent belief is that it is unquestionably true. That just the way life is. That’s the way I am. Here’s the proof!” (Page 111)
These bold words are the handcuffs that limit. Words that creates suffering for our self and others. These bold words are source for blame, for without you, who can I blame?
I loop around an invisible enemy by worrying. (Alfred E. Newman channeled higher wisdom to teens and preteens in the 1950’s with WHAT ME WORRY? MAD magazine was an incredible well of another way to look at the art and culture of the times.)
I lock myself to nonsense when I try. Just try and stand up! You either stay seated, or stand up!
It’s a word that try’s my patience. Decide, use your will, focus your attention and just do it! Oh the wisdom being used by the advertising gods.
I exhibit my weakness when I think I should. Should can be a deliberate helper in deciding. But it is internal; operating only in my own biosphere-if I should, then just do it! But I should not tell you what you ought to do. That’s stealing, manipulating your source, nonsense, or just plain stupidity.
And the biggest lie, the greatest threat to creativity, to compassion, to humanity, to building an Enlightened Planetary Civilization (EPC) is tomorrow. It’s a disease, and along with its nowhere friend whatever, has become an epidemic of the current plague.
The disease of tomorrow. It may be a whiff of hope sung by a curly haired, pre pubescent that it “is only a day away.” But another more poignant view comes from a duo of pop rockers who guided us from the 1960’s with “still I continue to pretend, my life will never end…”
Not to be forgotten the sinister one, hate. Isn’t there another way of looking at “oh how I hate to get up in the morning.”
It is possible to have love without hate.
If you hate Lima beans, is it possible to transfer the hate to another person’s belief?
So what happens if you remove, discharge, eliminate, those bold charged
Perhaps just asking the question, what if you hate to try and worry about what you should or ought to do tomorrow?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6, 2008 A edited version from Avatar Fry Day July 2, 2004. Its amazing the synchroncity and repition from the past, as that often 'obsence digit' is healing again.

"Well the finger has relaxed. I have a bend that will grip a shovel, hammer or stick and allow that opposable thumb thing to work.
We had a "Wizards group that met Sundays. My praise of the buddi explodes when buddi’s become a group. We meet the last Sunday of each month. There are a dozen of us, and 6 or 7 always show up. We share what we are experiencing, what we are working on, how the work goes, where we’d like to go, tools and insights. Guidelines are personal honesty, and attentive listening. Its gossip free and feels like we are a team or family of humanity. There is magic in the nature of insights and support we offer each other. And its funny, consciousness by its contradictory nature is a humorous study." I miss that group.
"I shared my finger thing, the incongruity of being happy and giving the world the FINGER.
"We heard successes with Landmark Forum, of a psychic worthy of a daily visit, personal appreciation as a spiritual gigolo, some Jewels of Human Culture, compassion, persistence, the Book-Power vs. Force by David Hawkins, how to be ‘Chronically in Transition’, what it is like to have the ‘Habit of taking the Stress Route’. And from an angel who came into this life so responsible, she changed her own diaper before age two.
"We branched into other roads that led to an Enlightened Planetary Civilization. After all an EPC is still an EPC no matter what the road, and tools that clean ones home space can often be applied to clear ones psychic space. EPC starts in consciousness, and ultimately lives in consciousness.
"I (
am still) worked on a belief the “Big Change only occurs with pain.” I was someone who resists change without pain. Hmm, could this have anything to do with an arthritic condition? I believed people stayed in relationship till it became too painful.
“Duh, I want to change, but must create pain to do it”, says Homer.
"Is there another belief I’d like to have?
" I need not create the belief in pain and change.....
"I now willingly accept big change.
"So now with my finger flexing, gripping, strumming, snapping, throwing, rolling, free to wave graciously and move from the torture of ambivalence into The Checking Back Inn.
I returned to my fitness club after a (
a month on the injured reserved). I love step classes. I’m an aerobics nut, a show off with fantasies of being found, a Rockette in Concord. I love those moments when the class is N’Synch, all us short, round, tall, skinny, and me being the one guy sweating to the oldies.
"This is a new moment to remember what it was like, and observe what it is now. I feel good that I can still do a full hour, but I am more careful toward full impact. My attention is different. I do the routines not to be seen, but to practice using and investing my attention. I can be more precise, more persistent in learning a routine, and more appreciative of all the different levels of students and trainers.
"I have recovered something lost, my dance, polished a skill, refining a way of being. Its not just aerobics, and a work out club, it’s a new me in an old place. Not out of place, but a place to make a new fit.

"I’m going to translate this feeling back into life I’ll make it new, my attitude, a newness in familiar setting. An appreciation of being an independent post Independence day. I’ll remember:
When we perceive that the only difference between any of us is belief, and that our beliefs can be created or discreated with ease, the right wrong game will wind down, and world peace will ensue.”


Buddi meetings

This Blog is a re-issue and edited from July 2, 2004-the syncronicity and repitition of some issues amazes me, as the same finger, the at times obscene digit was red, heated, angry and swollen and ...Well the finger has relaxed. I have a bend that will grip a shovel, hammer or stick and allow that opposable thumb thing to work.

We no longer have a ... Wizards group that mets Sunday. My praise of the buddi explodes when buddi’s become a group. We meet the last Sunday of each month. There are a dozen of us, and 6 or 7 always show up. We share what we are experiencing, what we are working on, how the work goes, where we’d like to go, tools and insights. Guidelines are personal honesty, and attentive listening. Its gossip free and feels like we are a team or family of humanity. There is magic in the nature of insights and support we offer each other. And its funny, consciousness by its contradictory nature is a humorous study.

I shared my finger thing, the incongruity of being happy and giving the world the FINGER.
We heard successes with Landmark Forum, of a psychic worthy of a daily visit, personal appreciation as a spiritual gigolo, some Jewels of Human Culture, compassion, persistence, the Book-Power vs. Force by David Hawkins, how to be ‘Chronically in Transition’, what it is like to have the ‘Habit of taking the Stress Route’. And from an angel who came into this life so responsible, she changed her own diaper before age two.
We branched into other roads that led to an Enlightened Planetary Civilization. After all an EPC is still an EPC no matter what the road, and tools that clean ones home space can often be applied to clear ones psychic space. EPC starts in consciousness, and ultimately lives in consciousness.

I worked on a belief the “Big Change only occurs with pain.” I was someone who resists change without pain. Hmm, could this have anything to do with an arthritic condition? I believed people stayed in relationship till it became too painful. Feels like what I am doing at the salon.
“Duh, I want to change, but must create pain to do it”, says Homer.
Is there another belief I’d like to have?
I now willingly accept big change.
So now with my finger flexing, gripping, strumming, snapping, throwing, rolling, free to wave graciously and move from the torture of ambivalence into The Checking Back Inn.

Tomorrow I will love being back in step classes. I’m an aerobics nut, a show off with fantasies of being discovered, a Rockette in Concord. I love those moments when the class is N’Synch, all us short, round, tall, skinny, and me being the one guy sweating to the oldies.
Being away from the club for a month is a new moment to remember what it was like, and observe what it is now. I feel good that I can still do a full hour class, but I am more careful toward full impact and those dsquats.. My attention is different. I do the routines not to be seen, but to practice using and investing my attention. I can be more precise, more persistent in learning a routine, and more appreciative of all the different levels of students and trainers.
I have recovered something lost, my dance, polished a skill, refining a way of being. Its not just aerobics, and a work out club, it’s a new me in an old place. Not out of place, but a place to make a new fit.
I’m going to translate this feeling back into all of life. I’ll make it new, my attitude, a newness in familiar setting. An appreciation of being an independent businessperson after declaring
Independence day. I’ll remember:

When we perceive that the only difference between any of us is belief, and that our beliefs can be created or discreated with ease, the right wrong game will wind down, and world peace will ensue.”

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Avatar Fry Day

7/2/08 Declare your independence.
To avoid my procrastination, obligations, duties, goals, aims, primaries, shoulds, oughts, have to’s, want to’s, didn’t do, will do, can’t do(what can’t I do) and give myself a chance to free up my attention and contact undefined awareness and once again connect with you.
June came in with pain and injury.
Go back to doing your exercise and your Tai Chi.” ‘if only someone would have called me to remind me of the importance of DAILY stretching and Tai Chi. So perhaps others would also like such a service-
Hermes Calling-a phone service to keep one on purpose, or at least to remind as many of my ‘I’s’ as possible what I deem important.
“How’s those exercises going?
Doing all the Tai Chi you need?
How’s your diet?
Did you get back on purpose with AVATAR FRIDAY?
Did you call your sister?
Any secondaries come up?
Any new primaries?
Did you write any poems?
How’s the Checking Inn file?
Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, professionally, re-CREATIONALLY anything you want to add, subtract or enhance?”
A five minute call, charged on your credit card with parameters to keep it from therapy or coaching, just REMEMBERING TO REMEMBER TO REMEMBER. Reminder calls for $5 fee.

Fryday is the Fourth of July, even in England. If I am independent I am Source. I choose, I decide, I do it-the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

‘From a very special moment
From a very special place.’
“Perhaps, you like I, having once embarked upon an adventure of self-exploration, now find yourself afloat on an enormous ocean of emotion clinging to nothing more than a tiny craft of self concern (importance) and can now understand that an expanding awareness floats upon the incredulous brainwaves toward the shores of a beautiful place, where there are many others who share the principal of higher self and wish to flourish in the ambition to live love and oneness.
“So we have come together once again…to remember our independence, our sorcery, and use this day and all dazes as viewpoints to honor ourselves and all of Precious Humanity in coming a long, long way to get there together.
All the Bodhisattva’s awaken again as fireworks ignite the joy within to see and feel the awakening of an Enlightened Planetary Civilization.