Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Big Space & The Small Space

From a Dream

It was a Big Space, a large room with many people.

I was just one of the folks when I spoke,
“Let’s all find our space.”
Not an authoritative voice, an ‘everyman’s’ voice, soft, reassuring, in tune with the group voice.

“Spread out,” came the voice, and it was me speaking, confident, caring feeling the room.

It was a big room, and I was leading us to realize this room was inside us. Inside everyone was a big room like this. Big enough for everyone we know, and don’t know.

We were cooperating in sharing this space. And as big as the space was, and that we were aware of the size, we also had our small space. We were expanded, and we could contract, shrink into our small space.

I became the guide to:
“Find the small space It is like a curl, the nook round the corner that’s cozy and comfortable. We all have a curl, a pube that acts as a metaphor to the small space.”

The space may only be big enough for one, or it may have room for a couple of others.

“Imagine it.

“It’s safe. You belong here. It’s your space. Like sitting under the snowball tree as a child. Or hiding in the corner of the closet, under the basement stairs.”

What’s important is the spaces are always here.
Always inside me.
Always a private space.

I can move from the small space to the big space. There is lots of room to stretch out. And the big space is safe too; you belong here, or there.

The spaces are always open.

I shared how I saw the spaces, How we all have the spaces, and in this magic moment we communicated to each other.
It was showing & telling.
We all got up from our naps AND I BEGAN TO SING:
“You put your left foot in. You put your left foot out. You put your left foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
That’s what its all about.”

Close your eyes,
find your spaces,
it’s your rooms.
feel the freedom of the rooms within.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Can you see your childhood bedroom?

Private speaking is also private viewing.
It's your own Cinema.

Not all Inner Cinemas are technicolor, wide screen, dolby sound, or full length, but they consist of you as possible, actor, director and audience.

It is your inner vision board.

Take a moment to see your childhood room. The walls, the floor, the ceiling.
Wheres the light switch?
Which side of the bed did you get in on?
Where's the closet?
What's on the wall?

This inner voyage can reap huge rewards in building the ability to visualize.

Some say , "I don't see visions?"
Being visionary is a learned process.
Practice by noticing what you've seen before.

Visions, memory, thinking are all learned experiences.
In our private world, paying attention to details, asking "what's there?"
Take a good look, a quick look, a faded look, a glimpse, it will build your world.

It's your mind, create it how you wish.

In my world, I bow to the light within you , just because you are you.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Hallucinogenic Training


In 1970 I took a 400 level Psychology class at Portland State University entitled Hallucinogenic Training. I became the star of the class. It wasn’t about drugs, but a creative visualization class developed by a former military clinical Psychologist. He developed a process to improve the accuracy of bombardiers in WWII. His technique was very successful.

During the period from the WWII to present 1970 he researched, refined and developed new usages for his techniques. He needed a volunteer for his demonstrations. I was glad to volunteer as his ‘guinea pig,’
“With little or no doubt I said yes.”*
This was a class in hypnosis. Dr. Warren Wilcox had developed a relaxation technique using breathing, physical sensation and colors and images to create the feel & mental picture of your desired outcome.
It was goal-oriented meditation.

The technique recognized phosphene imagery that occurs during & after initiation of full body relaxation by imaging breathing into body parts. Your inner guide/initiator (sometimes policeman) would lead you, working from toes to head.
In this state, with closed eyes, focusing basically on the breathing, relaxation sensation, and the imagery-amoebic looking blobs that appeared to me as black evolving into purple, then the guide added the message in the form of an affirmation of a goal or state you wished to create.
This was a milestone for me to reference internal dialogue, visualization, and the process of de-hypnotizing myself.
*quote attributed to George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

Monday, September 1, 2008

Healthy Communication

It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
Are you nicer to others than to yourself?
Are you in your best company when alone?

What is Healthy Private Speaking?

Henry Ford is quoted as saying," Whether you believe you can or can't, you're right."

Private Speaking is about our inner dialogue. The non-stop voices of beliefs, and disbelief's. Of truth and nonsense.
Of inane chatter, reruns, if only', sorry's, wishes, control, hopes, revenge, day dreams, old lovers, lost friends, goals, gains, got too, musts, should, ought, its so easy to stop and just listen to the commentators.
Don't believe everything 'it' says.
Healthy communication is about recognizing those voices, the advisers, counsellors, creators of well wishes, highest values, Truth Sayers, the compassionate forgivers and patient purveyors of attention and appreciation.
Healthy communication is a self-rewarding loop of positive feedback.
Healthy communication is an affirmation of goals wishes and desires.
Healthy communication is agenda free, memorable and fun to share.
Cultivate your healthy communication by being aware of what you are telling yourself. Here is one of my favorite exercises:
How do I know what I am saying till I see what i am writing:
  1. Start with 10 words you value
  2. Then make those words into ten sentences.
  3. Then make those ten sentences into ten paragraphs
  4. Then divide the paragraphs into INTRO-BODY-CLOSING
  6. Put a title on your work.
  7. Read it for seven days in a row, without a commentator
  8. Alter or change any 'ill-willed', uncertain, doubtful, vengeful communication.
  9. Reread for another seven day without a commentator.
  10. Post a blog. The world needs Healthy Communicationers

To find ways of silencing the commentator, contact Gary C Smith Public Speaking and Training.
